Well today is Monday and I promised myself I'd write a blog post every Monday. Over the last couple of weeks I've had great ideas, in my humble opinion, multiple times and told myself to wait till Monday to write them down.
I'll tell you right now that was a mistake. First, I can't remember what I was thinking. Second, why did I hold myself back? I got so caught up in the rules I set for myself I missed some golden opportunities to share my thoughts with you. Scheduling work is a good thing. I just need to remember it's a guideline I set for myself to be more productive in business and to have a work life balance. It is not a crutch or something to hide behind.
I'm not sure if it's my beautiful, creative, dyslexic brain or what but I do have a hard time sticking to self imposed deadlines. If it's something for someone else you can count on me. I should stop before this turns into something else.
I think for me, having a more weekly/monthly goals may work out better for me. I'll try it out and let you know.