This & That

  • Be Kind to Your Mind

    Well today is Monday and I promised myself I'd write a blog post every Monday. Over the last couple of weeks I've had great ideas, in my humble opinion, multiple times and told myself to wait till Monday to write them down. 

    I'll tell you right now that was a mistake. First, I can't remember what I was thinking. Second, why did I hold myself back? I got so caught up in the rules I set for myself I missed some golden opportunities to share my thoughts with you. Scheduling work is a good thing. I just need to remember it's a guideline I set for myself to be more productive in business and to have a work life balance. It is not a crutch or something to hide behind. 

    I'm not sure if it's my beautiful, creative, dyslexic brain or what but I do have a hard time sticking to self imposed deadlines. If it's something for someone else you can count on me. I should stop before this turns into something else. 

    I think for me, having a more weekly/monthly goals may work out better for me. I'll try it out and let you know.

  • Slow Living Came and Went

    Slow living came and went once I was back in my everyday. It fascinates me how quickly we jump back into our old routines. It's hard for me to find that balance of making money, setting goals and checking off my achievements. 

    I understand the concept of being present and slow living, really I do. I'm just finding it hard to keep that as my mindset all day every day. I guess I have improved as I'm noticing often that I'm not being present. 

    It's a start I know. Just like everything else in my life I want to be perfect at everything I try the first time. Unrealistic I know but a girl can dream. Yes, I'm chuckling at myself right now. They say it's good to have goals though I'm pretty sure this isn't what they meant. (whoever they are)

    For now I will do my best to stay in the moment and bring myself back to the present when I start to wander.

  • March & April Events

    Fun things are always happening here at Kris Hundt Creative Studio. Check out and follow my list of classes and events at

    There is something for everyone. Give yourself permission to play. Remember I'm always available to come to you if you want to host an art party. Please get in touch for details.

  • Ashram

    Do you ever find yourself knowing what a word means yet unable to describe it when asked? Ashram was my word this week. I know what it means to me ...
  • Birthday Wishes

    My birthday is this coming week and I'd almost forgotten. Thank you bestie for reminding me. The thing is I love my birthday. I usually celebrate the entire month of February. The last couple of years I haven't felt much like celebrating. I have no idea way, I'm just unmoved by it. 

    I have always dreamed of getting away on a retreat(silent) but never made it happen until now. My birthday present to myself is to get away for a couple of days not far from Dallas with one of my dearest friends. I don't have an agenda other than to be mindful. I get so caught up in achieving daily goals that I'm not always present. 

    I have no idea how this will go but I'm happy to try something new and push my comfort zone. I'll let you know how it turns out.

  • February and March Events

    I can't believe we are halfway through February. I've go some fun classes coming up in the next two months. Most of my classes are on Sunday afternoon but my next class is on Tuesday the 18th during the day. I'm trying it out to see if anyone is interested on events during the week during the day. If you have questions on anything please contact me or go to to get more info and tickets

    2/18 Alcohol Ink Washer Necklaces

    2/23 Mardi Gras Masks DIY

    3/9 Greeting Card Making

    3/23 Decorative Pour Paint Herb Planters

  • The Creative Process

    What an eventful weekend for me. Friday evening and Saturday were filled with errands to one art supply store after another. No, there is nothing wrong with that but I was going to support a friend on her new art endeavor. I was just going along for the ride. Let me tell you, I wasn't even looking at the holiday supplies which were 80% off(you know me, I'm a sucker for Christmas) well at least at the first store. After that well I went crazy. I still haven't found room for all the new stuff in the studio. But I will.

    I started working on my Mother's Day origami star heart class along with figuring out what to do with all the spare glass from said friend above. No clue yet! I had an idea for the clear round ornaments I picked up. I usually teach a pour paint class with them, which I'll be doing July 6th but I have something else in mind and can't wait to see if it will work. 

    Besides all the art I've been working on I cooked for over 5 hours on Sunday. It's another one of my creative outlets. I made some yummy food that will tide us over for a bit and I made it from all the food i had on hand. Crazy, I know. 

    So that was my weekend. How was yours?

  • Workshopping New Classes

    On my list of classes this year I have some old favorites and new ones, even to me. That means I have to work out what it will take to get this cla...
  • ???

    I have decided that I would start blogging again and I'd post every Monday.  Today that idea seems rather ambitious. I have a blog so why not use it? I could have wimped out and just post info about my classes but that's a horrible precedence to start.

    'm using this blog to write down all my thoughts, feelings and ideas so I have it all in one place and I get it out of my head. I thought about sitting it to private so only I could see it , but I realized that if somebody stumbles across these pages they may not feel so alone, so I made it public.

    Today I'm not sure what's in my head. So many contrasting thoughts and ideas, it is frustrating. There is not much I know about the world around me at the moment. I do know its a beautiful day today. The sun is shining with a bit of a breeze and it sounds like the wind is singing to me. It's not a song I've heard before though I know message. Rejoice in the beauty around you. That's what I intend on doing. Tomorrow is another day.

  • First New Class of the New Year

    Happy New Year everyone! I know it's almost February and I'm just now wishing you a wonderful year to come.

    I have posted 13 classes for the year so far with 11 more to go. Hurray. I'm excited to have art in my life full time. I can't wait for you to join me.

  • Holiday Decor Class

    Come join us for a fun and festive time creating holiday wreaths together!

    Get into the holiday spirit and join us Sunday, November 3rd at 2:00 PM to make festive wreaths together! Don't miss out on this fun and creative event  for more details and to get tickets.  🎄🌟🎅🏼
  • New Classes

    I took the summer off to move (I'm still in Dallas) and unpack. Now I'm ready to get back to my classes. Here is the schedule for new classes happening @eastdallasvintageshop