This & That
March & April Events
Fun things are always happening here at Kris Hundt Creative Studio. Check out and follow my list of classes and events at
There is something for everyone. Give yourself permission to play. Remember I'm always available to come to you if you want to host an art party. Please get in touch for details.
February and March Events
I can't believe we are halfway through February. I've go some fun classes coming up in the next two months. Most of my classes are on Sunday afternoon but my next class is on Tuesday the 18th during the day. I'm trying it out to see if anyone is interested on events during the week during the day. If you have questions on anything please contact me or go to to get more info and tickets
2/18 Alcohol Ink Washer Necklaces
2/23 Mardi Gras Masks DIY
3/9 Greeting Card Making
3/23 Decorative Pour Paint Herb Planters
Trunk Show
I've been asked to do a trunk show and I'm so excited. I've never done one before but I've been keen on doing one. It's December 3-4 in Richardson ...