This & That

  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Kelley Knickerbocker

    Kelley Knickerbocker is a visual artist and instructor. I enjoy her work. I find her story of leaving her career behind to become a full-time artist and her art inspiring.  I haven't taken one of her classes yet but it's only a matter of time. Check out her Instagram and her website
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out GoWithTheFlowInks

    Marlene of GoWithTheFlowInks, serves up bright and beautiful artworks that are inspired by the desert landscapes and sunsets of Arizona, where she resides. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do. Follow Marlene on Instagram
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Gildas le Berre

    The thing I have always loved about Instagram is stumbling across artist I never would have met otherwise. This pottery is whimsical and just pure fun. I don’t know this artist but I’m sure we would be friends. Check out his Instagram
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Jeremy Biggers

    Jeremy Biggers is a Dallas-based artist. He attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts where he primarily focused on expression through graphite and charcoal drawing. During his college years he cultivated his love for painting and photography, and they’ve since cemented themselves into his everyday life. Biggers' work is shaped by experiences that inform his view of the world. His goal with each piece is to inspire conversation.
    Many murals you find around DFW are his and in February, Jeremy collaborated with Fossil to design a new watch for Black History month.
    To find out more go to his website
    and follow him on Instagram
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Bluebell Kitchen

    Charlie along with her mother Erica own Bluebell Kitchen. They create amazing botanical inspired wedding cakes and macarons. You’ll have to cross the pond to go to their shop and taste their goodies.  I guarantee it’s worth the trip. Their cakes are a work of art. I’m so mesmerized by their talent. Even if you aren’t planning a trip to Kent follow them on IG @bluebellkitchen. You won’t be disappointed.
    I’ve known Charlie for many years and she is as delightful as her creations.
    Checkout their website
  • LEAF

    In my travels I’d seen stacked rocks. I’ve been told it was for other travelers to help them safely find their way. Trail markers if you will. Though at the time I never thought much of it as an art form. Well, not until my friend Laurence started posting about it did I ever think of stacking rocks as anything more.
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Design Syndicate

    Dale Fraser owner of Design Syndicate has been a buddy of mine for years. Besides being friends we have worked together for years. He has a wit that few can match(that's why we're friends) and his designs capture what the clients is looking for even when they are unsure of what they want and need.
    I truly love this work.
    He designed my logo after all. 
    Best of all he's an all around great guy. 
  • Enlightenme (2018)

    I had a lovely lunch with a dear friend of mine the other day. And we discussed insecurities or more so,  my insecurities and what’s going on with me at the moment in my creativity. She sent me an email with this piece she wrote years before and  it  hit home. It was just what I needed to hear. I’m sure I’m not the only one that could benefit from reading this lovely piece of written word.

    I decided to share it with all of you and hopefully it resonates with you as much as it did me. And if it doesn’t now I will leave it right here for you to stumble across when you need it.

    Thank you Nancy Robbins for the kind, uplifting words. Some days I just need to be reminded.
  • Workshop vs Class

    There are times I wonder if a workshop is more of a one-time event that can last hours or days and is more of an intensive study, where a class is a repeated event on the same subject meeting multiple times. Does that make a difference to you?

    I realize that it doesn’t really matter but it’s just on of those things that takes up space in my mind.
  • Being an Artist

    What a great list. If only someone had mentioned this to me years ago. I was so bullheaded and thought I knew everything when I was young. Back then I called it confidence, today I call it arrogance. Even now many moons later it’s a good list to reference.

    There is way more I which I’d been told but somethings you have to find out for yourself in your own time.

  • Teaching

    I’m really digging teaching. More than I ever imagined I would. I think I love that every class is different. Even if I’m teaching the same thing. The not knowing how it will turn out is a turn on for me. It keeps things interesting.
  • Studio

    Fingers crossed, I will be moving into my new studio space in a month or so.